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Minor development history
Over 3 years ago, I started a document in my Google Drive called "BURDServer" and this would be my step by step installation of my server. It was going to be a step by step installation of a server of my desired dedicated server environment.January 2014, I restarted the project as a user friendly shell environment to help speed up development productivity, mirror production servers and assure the developer of recoverable version controlled backups.
25th January 2014, I added 'svn' support and created my first SVN repo from within the BURDShell. (I sure geeked out a bit when this happened)
2nd February 2014, added shell project switching support within shell and outside.
19th February 2015, added installable apps
1st March 2014, I finally added OSx support
The shell consists of various common useful areas that a developer will always need.
(Sites, databases, repos, backups and apps).
Main features for v1.0b
b as in 'beta' as there are a few known issues still yet fully functional- Installs natively and virtually with Ubuntu (12.04 LTS desktop / server)
- Installs natively on OSx (10.9.2)
- Site management commands
- Web server management commands
- svn commands to help create repos and view log revisions
- Installable apps (Currently only 'phpMyAdmin')
- Network interface switching (For virtual machines - Experimental)
- database commands
- Backup commands for SVN repos and databases
- Restore commands for SVN repos and databases
- Shell project switching from within BURDShell and outside (shell.php [projectname])
- Support documentation