Tuesday, 23 September 2014

SVN 1.6.23 on OSx Maverick 10.9 gone after an xcode update


After an xcode update version 6.0.1 was released, Subversion 1.6.23 was removed for security reasons.  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT6444?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US

Currently I don't wish to update to the latest SVN just yet.

Work around

For people using xcode and lost their SVN "subversion-1.6.23" and don't wish to change just yet due to project using that version at the time before launch.

Follow these rough steps (So fill in the gaps to extract the files) to compile a specific version.
  1. Agree to xcode license
    sudo xcodebuild -license

  2. Download xcode command line tools
    sudo xcode-select --install

  3. Download, extract, compile and install neon
    ./configure --with-ssl
    make install

  4. Download, extract, compile and install subversion
    ./configure  -without-apxs --with-neon=/usr/local --with-ssl
    make install
  5. Test "svn" has http and https protocols
    /usr/local/bin/svn --version
    You should see ra_neon http and https

Then you can configure your IDEs (e.g. Coda) or use setup bash_alias to point to point to "/usr/local/bin/svn".

You can later change to the latest SVN when you feel ready which is located at  "/usr/bin/svn".

Saturday, 1 March 2014

BURDShell: Developer platform shell v1.0b

Years in thought and finally a reality to me and for everyone under the GPL3 license.
Follow the project's twitter feed!

Minor development history

Over 3 years ago, I started a document in my Google Drive called "BURDServer" and this would be my step by step installation of my server.  It was going to be a step by step installation of a server of my desired dedicated server environment.

January 2014, I restarted the project as a user friendly shell environment to help speed up development productivity, mirror production servers and assure the developer of recoverable version controlled backups.

25th January 2014, I added 'svn' support and created my first SVN repo from within the BURDShell.  (I sure geeked out a bit when this happened)
2nd February 2014, added shell project switching support within shell and outside.
19th February 2015, added installable apps
1st March 2014, I finally added OSx support

The shell consists of various common useful areas that a developer will always need.
(Sites, databases, repos, backups and apps).

Main features for v1.0b

b as in 'beta' as there are a few known issues still yet fully functional
  • Installs natively and virtually with Ubuntu (12.04 LTS desktop / server)
  • Installs natively on OSx (10.9.2)
  • Site management commands
  • Web server management commands
  • svn commands to help create repos and view log revisions
  • Installable apps (Currently only 'phpMyAdmin')
  • Network interface switching (For virtual machines - Experimental)
  • database commands
  • Backup commands for SVN repos and databases
  • Restore commands for SVN repos and databases
  • Shell project switching from within BURDShell and outside (shell.php [projectname])
  • Support documentation


Have a look at the demo and see what you think and if you like it, why not download and have play via the Github

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Speed productivity with voice commands

After seeing Siri on the iphone in action, I was absolutely sure Google had some form of virtual assistance up their sleeve.  After some experimenting and learning these voice commands I have grown to like these time saving features.

Voice commands

To initiate a voice command you need to to click the "Microphone" icon on the right side of the Google search bar.

This can be found on Android by holding the "Home" button and then dragging your thumb out of the "Google" circle(Google Now app).  On the desktop Chrome web browser the icon is visible also in the Google search bar.

Some Android versions won't have Google Now, so you need to manually install this via Google App store.

Voice commands not documented 

I discovered from other helpful commands that was not documented.  a couple of commands I saw demostrated on Siri and couldn't help but try it out on the Android.

"Set timer"
Voice example:
    "Set timer 10 minutes"

Voice example:
    "Define cat"

Voice example:
    "Population London"

Voice example:
    "56.3 * 5.8"

Voice example:
    "How are you today in german"
    (NOTE: Translation is still rough but close)

Voice example:
    "What is the weather today"
    "Will it rain tomorrow"

Voice example:
    "Traffic London"


Some commands work on the Desktop web browser Chrome, just click the microphone icon.

When using the phone, hold the phone mic close to your mouth to help filter out background noise, thus getting a more accurate response.

If a command is not picked up well, think of the words in parts and speak clearly.  Otherwise it will just search the web with what it thinks.